Mr. G's Trivia Zone -- Dr. Who Trivia

Mr. G's Trivia Zone -- Dr. Who Trivia

Rotating TARDIS

Dr. Who
Trivia Test 1

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1. What magazine did Sarah Jane Smith write most of her material for?
2. Liz Shaw was a scientist at which English university?
3. What story did the Doctor's companion sleep right through?
4. Name the character that Colin Baker portrayed in the Episode Arc of Infinity.
5. According to Whovian history, which play did the Doctor help Shakespeare write?
6. How many stories was the luxury apartment building "Paradise Towers"?
7. Name the 2 spacecrafts that collided together in the episode Nightmare of Eden.
8. The 1st Doctor's companion Barbara. What is her last name?
9. In the episode Carnival of Monsters, what was the name of the sea-going vessel
that was trapped in Vorg's mini-scope?
10. What was the name of Sabalom Glitz's ship in the episode Dragonfire?
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Last update: Thursday, April 4, 2002

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